Our Blog

Foot abscesses and poulticing

Foot abscesses and poulticing

To follow on from the video on Facebook, I thought I would delve further into how abscesses occur and the main things you should be thinking about when your horse has this issue. Abscesses occur when the foot is softened (wet weather and mud) and a sharp object is...

What constitutes an emergency???

What constitutes an emergency???

Every vet you ask, will have differing opinions on what their top emergencies are and they vary depending on the circumstances. However there are some hard and fast rules in the equine vet world when it comes to emergencies that get us to drop everything and run.........

What a Welcone and Fat Horse Slim

What a Welcone and Fat Horse Slim

We cannot believe the reaction we have had from folk since we launched last week. We have over 215 folk following us on facebook in less that 7 days and we have been overwhelmed by the messages of support, I might have even got something in my eye when reading...

Hello World

Hello World

Well its been an exciting few days here at Little Rock Equine Vets. We feel like all our Birthdays and Christmases have come at once with the arrival of our new digital wireless X-Ray machine, our ultrasound, and dental power tools.  Our new X-Ray is...

Contact us Today

We cover Staffordshire moorlands, North Staffordshire and North Staffs county. If you have any equine veterinary needs we would love to hear from you.

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