May 13, 2022 | Practice news, Uncategorised
We all love a bit of the warmer weather and it’s lovely to finally see the big yellow disc in the sky. However, heat waves like the one that is expected in the next 7 days brings it’s own issues for our four legged friends. Impaction colic (from reduced...
May 11, 2022 | Practice news, Uncategorised
…’s been a rather warm and wet spring. As a consequence we’ve seen a fair few horses with mud fever (or to give it the technical term, pastern dermatitis). This usually occurs in the pink skin areas of the horse. The term can be used to refer to...
May 11, 2022 | Practice news
There are many types of sarcoid six to be exact: Nodular, verrucous, occult, fibroblastic, mixed and malevolent. These cause heartache to many horses and owners. Some interesting sarcoid facts: Sarcoids can develop anywhere on the skin, but some are more common than...
May 8, 2022 | Practice news
External parasites such as lice, leg mites and pin worm are commonly seen coming out of spring and into summer. Here are some of the clinical signs seen with each: Lice:hair loss over face and bodybiting at body”walking dandruff” in the mane and top of...
May 8, 2022 | Practice news
The skin is the largest organ in any animal. It protects the body from infection, injury and disease. However there are quite a few ailments horses can get that affect this organ. External parasites: These are parasites such as lice, leg mites, and pin worm. They are...