How to prepare for the coming season:

How to prepare for the coming season:

To be fit enough to compete at the early competitions, your horse needs to be in full work. Full work is being ridden 5-6 days per week in a varied set of exercises and surfaces. This will build a basic level of fitness. Once you have established basic fitness you can...
Weight loss:

Weight loss:

As we approach the competition and show season, it’s time to start looking at waist lines in our horses and ponies. Horses are designed to gain weight in the spring and summer and become more insulin resistant as their fat to muscle ratio gets higher. If this...

When your woolly monster is scared of clippers……

Its amazing how quickly the season changes from summer straight to full on winter woollies in our horses and ponies. There are a number of reasons we clip: They need to lose weight, to prevent issues like laminitis/EMS They are working hard over the winter monthsThey...
Cold snaps and colic

Cold snaps and colic

When I stepped outside the door this evening, I suddenly realised that the ambient temperatures we have had over the last few weeks have come to an end and the colder nights and mornings are here. As horse owners, the cold always worries us, as cold weather and horses...
Horse insurance is a minefield:

Horse insurance is a minefield:

The old saying “buy once and buy right”, is very true for insurance: There are cheap policies out there but they can cause issues both at renewal and during the insured period.  Unfortunately veterinary care can be expensive.  The average cost of a wound...