Mar 8, 2022 | Practice news
This is known as a seasonal toxin. It is thought that the helicopter seeds in autumn, and the saplings in spring, contain Hypoglycin-A that causes atypical myopathy in horses. Not all seeds or saplings will have the same amount of the toxin in them therefore...
Feb 12, 2022 | Practice news, Uncategorised
We are getting ever closer to foaling season and as a consequence we thought we would do a blog on how to get prepared for this exciting time. Things to have in your foaling kit: Phone number of your vet on speed dial (just in case)Iodine/purple sprayTail...
Jan 16, 2022 | Practice news
Nutrition especially in the older horse is vital. With the common underlying conditions such as Cushings disease, poor dental alignments, diastema and general old age, the winter season can be very tough on some. Whilst we vets go on about weight loss with a large...
Dec 30, 2021 | Practice news
Weight loss. This is a really important issue at this time of year. We are half way through winter and those horses who are still carrying excess weight from the summer and unseasonably warm autumn/winter really need to lose the weight before the spring grass comes...