No Foot, No Horse ………..

No Foot, No Horse ………..

Foot balance is important. If the shoe doesn’t fit correctly and help maintain the foot balance then potentially you line your four legged friend up for work related injuries. If the weight of the horse is being supported unevenly then stresses on the soft...
The importance of fitness and nutrition:

The importance of fitness and nutrition:

It is important that we prepare our horses correctly to ensure they stand up to the work we are asking of them. Fitness: Its important that you build the fitness of your horse. Below is a short list of what you should be doing to build fitness: Preparation before you...
Other toxic plants:

Other toxic plants:

Buttercups: These are a common sight across the rolling hills of staffordshire.  Buttercups thrive on poor horse poor ground and whilst they are usually not tempting to horses we do find that if grazing is restricted that horses will eat them.  Toxins are...
Sycamore and other acers

Sycamore and other acers

This is known as a seasonal toxin.  It is thought that the helicopter seeds in autumn, and the saplings in spring, contain Hypoglycin-A that causes atypical myopathy in horses. Not all seeds or saplings will have the same amount of the toxin in them therefore...
The pitter patter of little hooves…

The pitter patter of little hooves…

We are getting ever closer to foaling season and as a consequence we thought we would do a blog on how to get prepared for this exciting time. Things to have in your foaling kit: Phone number of your vet on speed dial (just in case)Iodine/purple sprayTail...