Nov 18, 2024 | blog, Practice news
Horses don’t adjust well to rapid changes in routine. The bacteria in their gut, is slow to adjust therefore rapid changes can cause issue which if not caught early can mean seeing your vet. With the winter weather season upon us, we thought it important to...
Jun 19, 2024 | blog, Practice news
Sarcoids and melanomas are the two most common skin tumours that we see in horses. They can both affect horses from a very young age, and if they have one, there are usually more lurking. Although most of them will be considered ‘benign’, they can become very large...
Apr 16, 2024 | blog, Practice news
Why do we clean sheaths in geldings: Hygiene: The sheath can accumulate dirt, debris, and smegma, which is a waxy secretion. If left uncleansed, this buildup can lead to irritation, discomfort, and even infection. Prevention of Infections: A dirty sheath can provide...
Apr 14, 2024 | blog, Practice news
It’s that time of year when we are all knee deep in the wet and sticky stuff. Whilst this topic comes up every year, it is one that is most definitely worth talking about. Hopefully by talking about it on this blog the weather will finally start to improve. Mud...
Mar 18, 2024 | Practice news, Uncategorised
When your foal is born: It should be have a suck reflex within 20 minutes Stand in an hour Sucking at the milk bar within 2 hours A new born foal has no fat reserves so obtains all of its energy from the sweet and sugary colostrum which it must be consumed within the...