The pitter patter of little hooves…

The pitter patter of little hooves…

We are getting ever closer to foaling season and as a consequence we thought we would do a blog on how to get prepared for this exciting time. Things to have in your foaling kit: Phone number of your vet on speed dial (just in case)Iodine/purple sprayTail...
Insurance the good, bad and the ugly

Insurance the good, bad and the ugly

We often get asked about which insurance companies equine owners should go with. Legally we are not allowed to recommend an individual company and we cannot give you more than guidance as it depends on what you need and what your budget is. Here are a few useful...
When the grass is greener……

When the grass is greener……

This winter the grass has not really died back. This is leading to the real risk that a laminitic explosion will happen during the next few weeks. It is essential to ensure your horses and ponies lose weight to minimise the risk of laminitis. In the winter months it...
Nutrition why is it important?????

Nutrition why is it important?????

Nutrition especially in the older horse is vital. With the common underlying conditions such as Cushings disease, poor dental alignments, diastema and general old age, the winter season can be very tough on some. Whilst we vets go on about weight loss with a large...