Sycamore and other acers

Sycamore and other acers

This is known as a seasonal toxin.  It is thought that the helicopter seeds in autumn, and the saplings in spring, contain Hypoglycin-A that causes atypical myopathy in horses. Not all seeds or saplings will have the same amount of the toxin in them therefore...

Ragwort – The yellow killer.

Ragwort when it is fresh and growing has a very bitter taste.  This means that horse’s are unlikely to eat it unless limited grazing is available.  It tends to grow tall and when it is knocked down and becomes dried, it is more palatable to equines. This is...
Vaccinations – why do we do it?

Vaccinations – why do we do it?

Routine vaccinations allow us to take our horses out and about safely.  There are diseases that we can’t easily vaccinate for (strangles) and therefore when out and about mixing with horses from different yards it is important to maintain biosecurity to...
Impaction Colic:

Impaction Colic:

We have been busy with impaction colic’s over the last few weeks and with more storms and changeable weather to come, that unfortunately we will be seeing more of them.  This has been down to the awful storms we have been having and the number of “duvet days”...

Clinical Examination and why it is important.

You know your horses well. That is why any vet worth their salt will listen to you first before starting a clinical exam. However we thought it was important that you know your horses clinical parameters so that if you suspect something isn’t quite right you can...