Mar 14, 2023 | Practice news, Uncategorised
Why do horses get abscesses after a change in weather? The hoof is predominantly made from a tissue called keratin. This is similar to your nails in that it is hard and tough with about 25% moisture in its structure. It is porous, which means that moisture can bet...
Mar 5, 2023 | Practice news, Uncategorised
We don’t know about you but in the last few weeks, we have been busy spring cleaning and getting ready for the upcoming better weather. This got us thinking about what common bugs, beasties and diseases are seen on horses and ponies at this time of year. Common...
Feb 23, 2023 | Practice news, Uncategorised
We are all very familiar with this saying and it is still true today. The best people to deal with your horses foot health are your farriers. It doesn’t matter if they are shod or unshod, balance of the foot and more so the bones within the foot are vitally...
Feb 2, 2023 | Practice news
Coming out of winter we have a variety of body shapes to choose from with our equid friends. Skinny Fat Pot bellied/lost top line Fit/continued to be in work. These all required a different approach to feeding. Skinny: Why are we skinny? Have we had teeth...
Jan 23, 2023 | Practice news
To be fit enough to compete at the early competitions, your horse needs to be in full work. Full work is being ridden 5-6 days per week in a varied set of exercises and surfaces. This will build a basic level of fitness. Once you have established basic fitness you can...
Jan 11, 2023 | Practice news
As we approach the competition and show season, it’s time to start looking at waist lines in our horses and ponies. Horses are designed to gain weight in the spring and summer and become more insulin resistant as their fat to muscle ratio gets higher. If this...